Thursday, March 13, 2014

Green Economy , Low Carbon Economy

Bogor , INDONESIA - BIRD Global Partnership Birdlife International has called for governments around the world to show leadership to restore the global economy toward a sustainable economy . Burung Indonesia , as part of the partnership also invite the parties to appreciate the basic things provided by biodiversity and ecosystem services and conservation interests for the economic prosperity and the eradication of poverty . (see also: obat burung)

" The concept of a green economy is one of the opportunities for the development of conservation efforts " said M. Muslich , Conservation Program staff , Burung Indonesia . According Muslich , economic language can be easily accepted by the decision makers in areas being intensively construction. Halmahera , for example , which is almost entirely the expansion area , now work together to build the region through various forms of natural resource use .

Muslich continue , efforts to encourage the passing of a green economy performed in Halmahera, Indonesia Bird conducted through two aspects . Namely , community capacity building programs through the development of environmentally friendly businesses and increasing the capacity of the parties in the area of sustainable land use management . " Focusing our attention on the utilization of forest landscapes , because forests absorb and store most carbon emissions , also home to a biodiversity " obviously Muslich .
(see also: vitamin burung)

In terms of biodiversity , Halmahera has a diversity of bird species that live in a very high native forests . Forest landscape is a place of life 25 endemic bird species , all of which can only be found in North Maluku .


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